"Will you be my mentor?"

Approximately one year ago, I joined the Cobb Photographic Society (http://www.cobbphotosociety.com/) because I thought it would be a great and inexpensive way to feed my love of photography. This group of people who have a huge passion for taking pictures have monthly photography competitions. Every competition follows a main theme in which all exhibits are critiqued by a local 'celebrity' judge. Celebrity in my eyes because these judges who so generously offer their time and talents are already successfully employed as PROFESSIONAL photographers with their own groupies (return customers who absolutely love their work)!

There is one meeting in particular that I am so grateful to have decided at the last minute to attend. I arrived late (which for me is sadly just the way it goes sometimes but I'm working on it people) and the photography competition was already underway. As I relaxed in my seat I took note of the celebrity judges style of critique given with gentle care for every photograph. Because I was late for the meeting I had missed her introduction. Who was this masked marvel? What type of work did she shoot? By the end of the meeting I knew this was a person that I just had to get to know!!! So, after the meeting ended and almost no stragglers were left, I nervously walked up to this kind soul and asked for her card.

I knew immediately that I needed to ask her to be my photography mentor. But weeks passed and I didn't ask. Friends encouraged me. I told them, "What's the worst she can say, No! So I just look for someone else then right?" I was much better at talking the talk than actually walking it. Finally, I decided it's now or never and sent her a note - Will you please be my mentor? And guess what? She said YES oh joy of joys! In our monthly meetings since then, I've learned that Stacey Bode
and I both spent a significant portion of our youth in the Midwest, we both think pancakes rock regardless of the time of day, that she is a phenomenal photographer and teacher, and that I couldn't have asked for a better mentor and photography friend!

Here are some photos from our last meeting. We were talking about tricks and techniques to use when there's no getting around photographing something in the bright sun.

Stacey making her magic happen with our model - Grace!
Stacey Rocks

Ready, Set, Jump!
Ready, Set, Jump

Caught mid-air with a cookie smile!
Cookie faced jumper

Yikes! Watch out for the sun!
Too sunny mom

Remember the shadows...
Watch the shadows

I wanna see! I wanna see!
I wanna see

You should check out Stacey's work
http://www.staceybode.com/. I know I'm so glad I did!!!!!

Thanks Stacey for agreeing to be my mentor and for teaching me so many fantabulous things about photography. I can't wait to see you and work with you again!

Catch Me If You Can !!!

Did the Mischievous Leprechaun visit your house yesterday too? We aren't Irish (well maybe there's a hint of Irish in there somewhere :0) but once our children learned of the Leprechaun who visited our Irish neighbors, guess who's home he stopped at next? Here's one of the traps we set to try to capture him. I mean who wouldn't want the gold at the end of the rainbow?
Enter If You Dare!

At one point in the day my husband did think he heard the sneaky little guy!
We've Caught A Leprechaun

But we learned he is a wonderful escape artist!!!
The Escape

He left us some magic dust along with our fools gold. He is just one sly fella! Better luck next year kids :)
Leftover Loot

2-Do in 2009

I recently celebrated a major milestone. Dare I say which one? The picture below holds some hidden clues as to which milestone I'm speaking of.
B-day Milestones
And although this post is a little late, I owe my friends in the "Fabulous Club" some goals for the year. So here goes:

My top 10 2-Do's in 2009 (in no particular order):
1. I will hug more freely - and I'm not talking about trees here folks!

2. I will find a recycling company who will actually separate the recycling and the trash and pick it up at my front door. Come on neighbors - join in the fun!!!

3. I will place myself on the other side of the camera to remind myself what it's like to have someone say "smile"!

4. I will put my "to do" lists on paper instead of trying to keep track of the many many lists I've been keeping in my head.

5. I will compliment strangers who I see doing great things - Like the excellent 'coach' I saw at a restaurant celebrating his team with an end of the year party. He deserved his own recommendation for the enthusiasm and encouragement that he gave to EVERY one of his players!

6. I will get this blog up and rolling and update it on a regular basis. "More to come after these messages..."

7. I will be a part of a book club. I don't know if that means starting one or joining an existing one but if it's anything like my friend Sue's book club I can't wait!!!

8. I will paint my laundry room red and hope that will encourage me to tolerate the never-ending abundance of 'dirty laundry'.

9. I will enter a photography competition.

10. I will work to show others how my time IS a valuable commodity and remind myself that perfectionism and artwork DO NOT go hand in hand.

In case you couldn't decipher the hidden clues in the picture above, here's something that's a bit more self-explanatory!!!
4T and Fabulous

Take My Hand

Here we go... on a leap and a prayer! We are a work in progress on a journey of a lifetime. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Leave a comment, leave a joke, leave some cc - they all make me smile:)

Let's GO....

Take My Hand